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1 Min Promo or Explainer Video

Do you want a promo or explainer video but don't know where to start? Great videos from £599

We will film a 1 minute promo video at a single location, edit it, and add your needed titles and logo's. We will format it for all socials and give you the raw footage to use again.

The film can include:

  1. Interviews
  2. Background filming
  3. Customer interviews
  4. Drone footage
  5. General footage of your business
  6. Professional voice over
  7. Travel across Europe

South of Bristol BS1 includes one day inc travel

North of Bristol BS1 and south of Manchester M1 includes 2 days and travel

North of M1 Manchester 3 days and travel

Highlands and islands includes 2-4 days and travel

EU Wide includes 4 days and travel.

We are based in the South West of England so this is limited to the UK and EU right now.

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